How many knows the familiar Google Chrome has been included a hidden endless game.
We can use the game, So all of us will play and enjoy.
How to play:
While using Google's Chrome and the internet connection is discontinue or not available the chrome browser displays a dinosaur image with the following Message.
Unable to connect to the Internet.
Google Chrome can't display the webpage because your computer is not connected to the Internet
But how many knows that dinosaur was the player of the secret hidden game. If you press space bar in computer or in case of mobile phones and Tablets just tap(touch) the dinosaur then some characters will show in the screen.
You can use either mouse click button or space bar to jump the dinosaur in computer, just tap it in mobile phones and tablets.
If you hit any object while moving from right to left the game was over. So you can restart the game again.
It is time to turn off your wi-fi and try it out for yourself!
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